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Bone Animation Overrides

Bone animation overrides occur in hierarchical skeletal modelling systems when two different sequences, are overlaid at once. Either one or neither of the sequences utilises all the bones in the avatar, the other utilise a subset. So, what occurs is all of the bone movements of the first sequence file are carried out, except those which the second sequence file uses, which are changed to the second.

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Bone Animation Overrides


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The parts specific to clay working are irrelevant to the virtual developer, but the general techniques and practices are invaluable if you choose to take this route, and create anatomically believable avatars. Ideal for working with weighted bone animation systems.

One of those rarest of rare books: An animation tome that is not tied down to a specific package. Instead, expect a hefty dose of mathematics, as the author leads you through a variety of animation techniques, both 2D and 3D, from a formulae and expression based perspective.

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Augmented Reality Hip Replacement
Usually, creation of a prosthetic limb errs on the lighter side, sacrificing capability for lightness. This is because until now, it has not been possible to examine the surviving bone in enough detail to safely screw a prosthetic into the bone.

Timing for Animation by this pair of authors, is back in print. This book, over 20 years old, was and still is the definitive tome for animation. Whether drawn sculpted or CGI, making something move realistically is all about timing. Timing first, second, and last. When to move, when not to move, what to move, and how much to move.

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Large Image Display: Prosthetic Jaw Hinging
One of the most important aspects when working with any skeletal system, is the joint where bones connect. If you don't get this area right, then bone will grind against prosthesis, and the bone is likely to take critical damage first. You inflame a joint, that did not have a problem in the first place, and spread further complications throughout the body.

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Hydroxyapatite Bone Grafts
Pennsylvania State University researcher Henry J. Donahue, Professor of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, Penn State College of Medicine, has found a use for the inorganic material hydroxyapatite, in covering sterilized implants so that they form a natural bond with on-site bone, fusing together over time.

There always seems to be an artificial disconnect between the skillset necessary to draw in 2D and that necessary to animate with CGI. Many books treat it as if you have to unlearn all you know from one, to learn the other, even when that is clearly not the case. This tome shows why it is not.

This tome is, as the4 title suggests, more of an overview for the subject than a detailed how-to. It covers everything from the very basics of computerised model animation, right through rigging and boning, on to timing and lighting ? but it does so without going into painstaking detail on any one topic.


Industry News containing the Term Bone Animation Overrides:

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Technique could eliminate need for bone grafts and transplants

A gene therapy that spurs the growth of tooth-supporting bone could make dental work far more pleasant.

The technique could eliminate the need to ...

Scientists are closer to understanding how to grow replacement bones with stem cell technology, thanks to research published today in the journal Nature Materials.

Many scientists are currently trying to create bone-like mate...

Stryker Corp. has announced the clinical release of a different kind of prosthetic interface, one that bears watching. Unlike traditional prosthetic-to-bone fusions, Stryker?s latest titanium mounting is pockmarked with holes and gaps, cove...

Georgia Institute of Technology bioengineers have demonstrated a way to grow tendons that gradually "fade" to bone at one end, strengthening the ends of the attachment

The technique uses a gene that triggers the fibroblast ...

Artificial bone marrow that can continuously make red and white blood cells has been created in a University of Michigan lab.

The substance grows on a 3-D scaffold that mimics the tissues supporting bone marrow in the body. ...